TONNER BOOK - Two Decades of Fashion and Design

Two Decades of Fashion and Design, Buch/ Book, 148 Seiten/Pages

Limited Edition of 1000 books.

The book includes chapters on all of Tonner's beloved dolls, including The American Models, Betsy McCall, Tyler Wentworth, the Theater of Fashion dolls, Antoinette, Ellowyne Wilde, Evangeline Ghastly and more

Robert Tonner celebrates twenty years in the business this year. It follows Robert's career from his beginnings in the fashion industry to this past year, when he hit two decades in the doll business FDQ has published this limited edition book featuring high lights from the past two decades. From his first porcelain models to Freedom For Fashion, this is a wonderful guide to the highlights of one of the most creative and successful artists in the doll industry.

Verlag / Distributor FDQ Media
ISBN 0615537650

Sofort lieferbar

5,80 EUR

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