Barbie x noonoouri
virtual-meets-physical-world - noonoouri and Barbie are captured in a moment of transformation. noonoouri appears in her pixelated universe. As she reaches through the portal to her friend, she suddenly becomes an exquisite doll version of herself. At the same time, Barbie enters noonoouri's orbit and evolves into the form of a virtual avatar. Both dolls feature unique face sculpts with full inset eyes and posable bodies.
- noonoouri wears a dress with pleated tiered ruffles and a mini dress underneath
- Barbie doll wears a vinyl pink-foil power suit and a silvery metallic corset
- Both dolls come with photoshoot-ready, on-trend accessories
- Premium cakebox packaging with soft touch, matte-finish outer sleeve
- Inside of package features mirror material, holofoil, and embossed inserts